

Welcome to the RingCentral CTI Developer Tutorial. This tutorial uses the RingCentral JavaScript SDK.

Call management integration typically includes monitoring of incoming calls, listing calls and performing of RingOuts, all of which are covered in this tutorial.

Getting Started

Installing the SDK

To install the SDK, follow the online instructions posted at Github:

Instantiating the SDK


var rcsdk = new RCSDK({
    server: RC_SERVER_SANDBOX,
    appKey: 'yourAppKey',
    appSecret: 'yourAppSecret'

The SDK is represented by the global RCSDK constructor. Your application must create an instance of this object.

In order to bootstrap the RingCentral JavaScript SDK, you have to first get a reference to the Platform singleton and then configure it. Before you can do anything using the Platform singleton, you need to configure it with the server URL (this tells the SDK which server to connect to) and your unique API key (this is provided by RingCentral’s developer relations team).

Getting the Platform Singleton

var platform = rcsdk.getPlatform();

Now that you have your platform singleton and SDK has been configured with the correct server URL and API key, your application can log in so that it can access the features of the API.


    username: '+18001234567', // your phone number in E.164 format
    extension: '101', // leave blank if direct number is used
    password: 'yourpassword'
}).then(function(ajax) {
    // your code here
}).catch(function(e) {
    alert(e.message  || 'Server cannot authorize user');

To log in to RingCentral, get the Platform object and call its authorize method, providing valid username, extension, and password values. Enter your phone number in E.164 format for username. The + may be omitted.

A Promise is returned, and you can use its then method to specify your continuation function, and its catch method to specify an error handling function.

Handling Authn Exceptions

platform.on(, function(e){
    // do something

To handle possible access or authentication exceptions that may occur while the application is running (after the user has successfully logged in), you can provide a handler for the accessViolation platform event.

Determining Authn Status

// To check authentication status:
    .then(function(){ ... })
    .catch(function(e){ ... });

// Checking authn status synchronously
// without auto-refresh of the access token
if (platform.isTokenValid()) {...}

The isAuthorized method will automatically perform a refresh of the access token, if needed. This method may be used in the login page of your application for automatic login.

There is also a synchronous method for checking the authentication status that does not automatically perform a refresh of the access token.

Manual Access Token Refresh

// Refreshing the access token manually

Access token refresh normally happens automatically for common use cases. On rare occasions, you may perform a refresh of the access token manually by calling the refresh method using the platform.refresh() method.


// without callback
// with callback

Your application can log out the user by calling the platform.logout() method.

Call Management

If you are integrating with a CRM or ERP system, use of the JavaScript SDK is highly recommended. Following is an example of a call management integration that includes monitoring of incoming calls and performing of RingOuts.

A call management integration usually consists of the following tasks:

Call States

// 1) Missed inbound call  (Ringing -> No Call)
  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "Ringing",
                    "extensionId": 607457016,
                    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Inbound", "from": "13027430863", "telephonyStatus": "Ringing", "to":   "18885434778", "sessionId": "67029198021", "id": "8ad4d5ea165f4e2aa00474a666368728"}],
    "sequence": 133702
  "timestamp": "2015-04-10T18:48:55.133+0000",
  "uuid": "2b5bb8c0-c36c-46af-bd93-fb41e330d87c",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/607457016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "NoCall",
    "extensionId": 607457016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Inbound", "from": "13027430863", "telephonyStatus": "NoCall", "to": "18885434778", "sessionId": "67029198021", "id": "8ad4d5ea165f4e2aa00474a666368728"}],
    "sequence": 133857
  "timestamp": "2015-04-10T18:49:14.679+0000",
  "uuid": "a5a876ab-3356-41e5-b1fe-fff91da3a281",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/607457016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

// 2) Answered inbound call (Ringing -> CallConnected -> NoCall)

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "Ringing",
    "extensionId": 607457016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Inbound", "from": "13027430863", "telephonyStatus": "Ringing", "to": "18885434778", "sessionId": "67029198021", "id": "61803278cbf74d7490539a6174a6c094"}],
    "sequence": 133897
  "timestamp": "2015-04-10T18:49:20.858+0000",
  "uuid": "c394ccf6-85dd-4da4-a87e-d31fac7f1283",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/607457016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "CallConnected",
    "extensionId": 607457016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Inbound", "from": "13027430863", "telephonyStatus": "CallConnected", "to": "18885434778", "sessionId": "67029198021", "id": "61803278cbf74d7490539a6174a6c094"}],
    "sequence": 133942
  "timestamp": "2015-04-10T18:49:26.687+0000",
  "uuid": "96df6fdd-a2a4-42fb-bc34-cffb5d637754",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/607457016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "NoCall",
    "extensionId": 607457016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Inbound", "from": "13027430863", "telephonyStatus": "NoCall", "to": "", "sessionId": "67029198021", "id": "61803278cbf74d7490539a6174a6c094"}],
  "sequence": 134051
  "timestamp": "2015-04-10T18:49:41.828+0000",
  "uuid": "7fa7ac3c-5b7b-4127-88ec-9734f478d4a3",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/607457016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

// 3) 2-legged Ringout
  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "Ringing",
    "extensionId": 255537016,
"activeCalls": [{"to": "16502008440", "direction": "Outbound", "from": "16509540334", "sessionId": "915021981016", "telephonyStatus": "Ringing"}],
    "sequence": 46061598
  "timestamp": "2015-04-17T19:38:59.718+0000",
  "uuid": "305b8075-5dad-4686-b22a-d26744802566", "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/255537016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "CallConnected",
    "extensionId": 255537016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Outbound", "from": "16509540334", "telephonyStatus": "CallConnected", "to": "16502008440", "sessionId": "915021981016", "id": "b5ea44d61b6a4658aadf948348db069c"}],
    "sequence": 46062162
  "timestamp": "2015-04-17T19:39:12.950+0000",
  "uuid": "71673991-dad0-4c8e-9c22-78b0244c790c",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/255537016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

  "body": {
    "telephonyStatus": "NoCall",
    "extensionId": 255537016,
    "activeCalls": [{"direction": "Outbound", "from": "16509540334", "telephonyStatus": "NoCall", "to": "16502008440", "sessionId": "915021981016", "id": "b5ea44d61b6a4658aadf948348db069c"}],
    "sequence": 46063265
  "timestamp": "2015-04-17T19:39:40.172+0000",
  "uuid": "97b01949-1438-45f2-856a-54f89e83367f",
  "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/255537016/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true"

Some typical event flows for inbound calls are listed for the following scenarios:

  1. Missed inbound call (Ringing -> No Call)
  2. Answered inbound call (Ringing -> CallConnected -> NoCall)
  3. 2-legged Ringout

Call Notification

var subscription = rcsdk.getSubscription();

    .on(, function(msg) {
        console.log(msg, msg.body);
        events: [

To get notification of inbound and outbound call events, your application can receive push notifications from the RingCentral Connect Platform by subscribing to specific events, such as the telephony presence event.

Caller ID & Called Number

var subscription = rcsdk.getSubscription();

    .on(, function(msg) {
        console.log(msg.body.activeCalls[n].from); // activeCalls is array
        events: [

Subscript to the account using the detailedTelephonyState to get caller info (caller id and called number) from telephony presence events.

Call Information During Call

    url: rcsdk.getCallHelper().createUrl({active: true}),
    get: { // this can be omitted
        page: 1,
        perPage: 10
}).then(function(ajax) {
}.catch(function(e) {
    alert('Active Calls Error: ' + e.message);

To determine call duration or any other information about the call during the call, the application needs to remember discovered calls and save the time at which they were discovered (had Ringing or Connected status) and then duration can be calculated as difference between now and the saved time.

The application may periodically (around 2-5 minutes) poll the active calls endpoint to make sure that even missed event notifications will not affect the application state. The application may also load a list of active calls after receiving event notifications. Please keep in mind that application may exceed RPS limits and will be throttled in this case, so application must handle this situation.

Determining End of Call

The application is responsible for caching active calls. A common method is to use a session ID to track a call. Your application may gather information about discovered calls and when it sees “No Call” after “Connected” status it means that the call has ended. Also the call will disappear from active calls list. See the section below on determining call duration of a recently ended call for more info.

Call Duration Post-Call

// Determining call duaration of a recently ended call.
    url: rcsdk.getCallHelper().createUrl({active: true}),
    get: { // this can be omitted
        page: 1,
        perPage: 10
}).then(function(ajax) {
}.catch(function(e) {
    alert('Active Calls Error: ' + e.message);

Completed calls will stay in Active Calls for a limited time (few minutes). Use the following code to determine the duration of a recently completed call.

Call and Event Matching

To match calls and events from the call log or active calls, use the sessionId property of calls from events’ active calls array and call log or active calls response.

Multiple Concurrent Calls

To handle multiple concurrent calls, each call event will contain information about all calls, application must go through all calls in msg.body.activeCalls array. The application must remember sequenceNumber and ignore events with smaller sequence number than already received.

Call Control

The RingCentral Connect Platform does not currently support any call control functions.

Call Queries

A call management integration usually consists of tracking the telephony call status per the above and the following call query tasks:

View Active Calls

var activeCalls = [],
    Call = rcsdk.getCallHelper();

// This call may be repeated when needed, for example as a response to incoming Subscription
platform.apiCall(Call.loadRequest(null, {
    url: Call.createUrl({active: true}),
    query: { // this can be omitted
        page: 1,
        perPage: 10
})).then(function(response) {
    activeCalls = Call.merge(activeCalls,; // safely merge existing active calls with new ones
}.catch(function(e) {
    alert('Active Calls Error: ' + e.message);

By default, the load request returns calls that were made during the last week. To alter the time frame, provide custom query.dateTo and query.dateFrom properties.

View Recently Ended Calls

// Getting historical call information
    url: rcsdk.getCallHelper().createUrl(),
    get: { // this can be omitted
        page: 1,
        perPage: 10
}).then(function(ajax) {
}.catch(function(e) {
    alert('Calls Error: ' + e.message);

Recently ended calls appear in Call Log with some delay (seconds to a minute or so) so the recommended way to retrieve them is to use Active Calls API.

View Historical Calls

var calls = [],
    Call = rcsdk.getCallHelper();

// This call may be repeated when needed, for example as a response to incoming Subscription
platform.apiCall(Call.loadRequest(null, {
    query: { // this can be omitted
        page: 1,
        perPage: 10
})).then(function(response) {
    calls = Call.merge(calls,; // safely merge existing active calls with new ones
}).catch(function(e) {
    alert('Recent Calls Error: ' + e.message);

By default, the load request returns calls that were made during the last week. To alter the time frame, provide custom query.dateTo and query.dateFrom properties.

Making Calls (RingOut)

Outbound calls using RingCentral can be made using the RingOut functionality.

Two-Legged Calls

When making a call, the RingCentral system establishes two calls, one for each of the two parties being connected, and then connects them. This results in events for two calls (2-legged calls) when initiated a single click-to-call?

Making an Outbound Call

// Phone numbers should be in E.164 format.
        from: {phoneNumber: '+16501111111'},
        to: {phoneNumber: '+18882222222'},
        callerId: {phoneNumber: '+18882222222'}, // optional,
        playPrompt: false // optional
    .then(function(ajax) {
      // here application can start polling
      // also save as, for example, prevRingoutData

The application should stop polling the RingOut when its status changes to error or success because after that there will be no status updates.

Polling Outbound Call Status

// Poll for the status of an ongoing outbound call
function update(next, delay) {

    if (!rcsdk.getRingoutHelper().isInProgress(ringout)) return;

        .then(function(ajax) {
            // also save as, for example, prevRingoutData
            console.log(; // updated status of ringout
            timeout = next(delay); // you can increase delay here


var timeout = rcsdk.getUtils().poll(update, 3000); // stay in RPS limits

// To stop polling:


Use polling to get the status of an ongoing outbound call.

Outbound Call Control

The RingCentral Connect Platform does not currently support control of outbound calls. However, you can cancel ringout call while callee party status is InProgress. To do that make a DELETE request to ringout URI.

Outbound Call Statuses

Polling & Events Notification

All RingOut calls will appear in event notifications and active calls endpoint. The difference between what RingOut polling provides is more granular status updates (application can track status of both parties). Normally it should be represented by two independent views/flows in application. In general there is no point to match ringout calls with any of active calls, those process may happen concurrently.

If the application needs to track outbound calls and save them somewhere, it is better to initiate the ringout and NOT poll it, but expect a notification and work only with notifications/active calls.


The RingCentral for Developers API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is incorrectly formatted
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The resource requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a resource with an invalid method
410 Gone – The resource requested has been removed from our servers
429 Too Many Requests – You’re making too many requests! Slown down!
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.