Building Bots

Sending Messages

Every event handler receives as input a bot object. That object can then be used to send messages. For example:

bot.sendMessage(, { text: 'Hello World' })

In the above example the bot responds with simple text only. Bots can also respond with more formatted messages, which is achieved through the use of a message attachment. The RingCentral Developer Guide discussed message attachments in more detail.

Event Handling

A bot handler takes as input an "event." Based on the type of the event, you can trigger different actions and behaviors. Here is a simple switch statement for handling different events:

export const handle = async event => {
    console.log(event.type, 'event')
    switch (event.type) {
    case 'Message4Bot':
    case 'BotJoinGroup': // bot user joined a new group

Event Types

Event Description
Message4Bot Triggered when a message is posted to a team/conversation the bot belongs to. This event is NOT triggered for messages posted by the bot, to prevent the bot from responding to itself.
BotRemoved Trigger when a bot is removed from a team/conversation.
BotJoinGroup Trigger when a bot joins a team/conversation.


When the Message4Bot event is triggered, the following parameters are passed to the handler:

  • text - The text/message posted. This should be parsed by the handler to determine what action to perform.
  • group - A group object representing the group/team/conversion the message was posted to.
  • bot - A bot object representing the bot receiving the message.
  • userId - The id of the user who sent the message.