
  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2# encoding: utf-8
  3from observable import Observable
  4import websockets
  5from .web_socket_subscription import WebSocketSubscription
  6from .events import WebSocketEvents
  7import json
  8import asyncio
  9import uuid
 11class WebSocketClient(Observable):
 12    def __init__(self, platform):
 13        Observable.__init__(self)
 14        self._platform = platform
 15        self._web_socket = None
 16        self._done = False
 17        self._is_ready = False
 18        self._send_attempt_counter = 0
 20    async def create_new_connection(self):
 21        """
 22        Creates a new WebSocket connection.
 24        Returns:
 25            Any: Response object containing the result of the connection creation.
 27        Raises:
 28            Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 30        Note:
 31            - Retrieves the WebSocket token using `get_web_socket_token`.
 32            - Attempts to open a WebSocket connection using the retrieved token's URI and access token.
 33            - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
 34        """
 35        try:
 36            web_socket_token = self.get_web_socket_token()
 37            open_connection_response = await self.open_connection(
 38                web_socket_token["uri"], web_socket_token["ws_access_token"]
 39            )
 40            return open_connection_response
 41        except Exception as e:
 42            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
 43            raise
 45    def get_web_socket_token(self):
 46        """
 47            Retrieves a WebSocket token.
 49            Returns:
 50                dict: WebSocket token containing URI and access token.
 52            Raises:
 53                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 55            Note:
 56                - Sends a POST request to the '/restapi/oauth/wstoken' endpoint to obtain the WebSocket token.
 57                - Returns the WebSocket token as a dictionary containing the URI and access token.
 58                - Triggers the getTokenError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
 59        """
 60        try:
 61            response = self._platform.post("/restapi/oauth/wstoken", body={})
 62            return response.json_dict()
 63        except Exception as e:
 64            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.getTokenError, e)
 65            raise
 67    async def open_connection(self, ws_uri, ws_access_token):
 68        """
 69            Opens a WebSocket connection.
 71            Args:
 72                ws_uri (str): The WebSocket URI.
 73                ws_access_token (str): The access token for WebSocket authentication.
 75            Raises:
 76                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 78            Note:
 79                - Attempts to establish a WebSocket connection to the provided URI with the given access token.
 80                - Upon successful connection, sets up a heartbeat mechanism to maintain the connection.
 81                - Triggers the connectionCreated event upon successful connection establishment.
 82                - Listens for incoming messages and triggers the receiveMessage event for each received message.
 83                - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs during the connection process and raises the exception.
 84        """
 85        try:
 86            websocket = await websockets.connect(
 87                f"{ws_uri}?access_token={ws_access_token}"
 88            )
 89            connectionMessage = await websocket.recv()
 90            connection_info = {}
 91            connection_info["connection"] = websocket
 92            connection_info["connection_details"] = connectionMessage
 93            self._web_socket = connection_info
 94            self._is_ready = True
 95            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionCreated, self)
 97            # heartbeat every 10 minutes
 98            async def timer_function():
 99                while True:
100                    if self._done:
101                        timer.cancel()
102                        break
103                    await asyncio.sleep(600)
104                    await self.send_message([{"type": "Heartbeat", "messageId": str(uuid.uuid4())}])
105            timer = asyncio.create_task(timer_function())
107            await asyncio.sleep(0)
108            while True:
109                message = await websocket.recv()
110                self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.receiveMessage, message)
111                await asyncio.sleep(0)
112        except Exception as e:
113            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
114            raise
116    def get_connection_info(self):
117        return self._web_socket
119    def get_connection(self):
120        return self._web_socket["connection"]
122    async def close_connection(self):
123        """
124            Closes the WebSocket connection.
126            Raises:
127                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
129            Note:
130                - Sets the `_done` flag to True to signal the termination of the heartbeat mechanism.
131                - Sets the `_is_ready` flag to False to indicate that the connection is no longer ready.
132                - Retrieves the WebSocket connection using `get_connection`.
133                - Closes the WebSocket connection.
134                - Triggers the closeConnectionError event if an error occurs during the closing process and raises the exception.
135        """
136        try:
137            self._done = True
138            self._is_ready = False
139            ws_connection = self.get_connection()
140            await ws_connection.close()
141        except Exception as e:
142            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.closeConnectionError, e)
143            raise
145    async def recover_connection(self):
146        try:
147            ws_connection_info = self.get_web_socket_token()
148            recovered_connection_info = await self.open_connection(
149                ws_connection_info["uri"], ws_connection_info["ws_access_token"]
150            )
151            # if recovered_connection_info['recoveryState'] === "Successful", then subscription is restored
152            # otherwise, need to create a new subscription
153            # IMPORTANT: WebSocket creation is successful if it doesn't raise any exception
154            return recovered_connection_info
155        except Exception as e:
156            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.recoverConnectionError, e)
157            raise
159    async def send_message(self, message):
160        """
161            Sends a message over the WebSocket connection.
163            Args:
164                message (Any): The message to be sent.
166            Raises:
167                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
169            Note:
170                - Checks if the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag).
171                - If the connection is ready, resets the send attempt counter and sends the message.
172                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
173                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
174        """
175        try:
176            if self._is_ready:
177                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
178                requestBodyJson = json.dumps(message)
179                await self.get_connection().send(requestBodyJson)
180            else:
181                await asyncio.sleep(1)
182                await self.send_message(message)
183                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
184                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
185                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
186                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
187                    raise
188        except Exception as e:
189            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.sendMessageError, e)
190            raise
192    async def create_subscription(self, events=None):
193        """
194            Creates a subscription to WebSocket events.
196            Args:
197                events (list, optional): A list of events to subscribe to. Default is None.
199            Raises:
200                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
202            Note:
203                - If the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag), resets the send attempt counter and creates a WebSocketSubscription instance.
204                - Registers the subscription with the specified events.
205                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
206                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
207        """
208        try:
209            if self._is_ready:
210                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
211                subscription = WebSocketSubscription(self)
212                await subscription.register(events)
213            else:
214                await asyncio.sleep(1)
215                await self.create_subscription(events)
216                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
217                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
218                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
219                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
220                    raise
222        except Exception as e:
223            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createSubscriptionError, e)
224            raise
226    async def update_subscription(self, subscription, events=None):
227        """
228            Updates an existing WebSocket subscription with new events.
230            Args:
231                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to update.
232                events (list, optional): A list of events to update the subscription with. Default is None.
234            Returns:
235                WebSocketSubscription: The updated WebSocket subscription.
237            Raises:
238                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
240            Note:
241                - Updates the specified WebSocket subscription with the new events provided.
242                - If the update is successful, returns the updated WebSocket subscription.
243                - If an error occurs during the update process, triggers the updateSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
244        """
245        try:
246            await subscription.update(events)
247            return subscription
248        except Exception as e:
249            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.updateSubscriptionError, e)
250            raise
252    async def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
253        """
254            Removes an existing WebSocket subscription.
256            Args:
257                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to remove.
259            Raises:
260                Exception: If any error occurs during the removal process.
262            Note:
263                - Removes the specified WebSocket subscription.
264                - If the removal is successful, the subscription is effectively unsubscribed from the events it was subscribed to.
265                - If an error occurs during the removal process, triggers the removeSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
266        """
267        try:
268            await subscription.remove()
269        except Exception as e:
270            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.removeSubscriptionError, e)
271            raise
274if __name__ == "__main__":
275    pass
class WebSocketClient(observable.core.Observable):
 12class WebSocketClient(Observable):
 13    def __init__(self, platform):
 14        Observable.__init__(self)
 15        self._platform = platform
 16        self._web_socket = None
 17        self._done = False
 18        self._is_ready = False
 19        self._send_attempt_counter = 0
 21    async def create_new_connection(self):
 22        """
 23        Creates a new WebSocket connection.
 25        Returns:
 26            Any: Response object containing the result of the connection creation.
 28        Raises:
 29            Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 31        Note:
 32            - Retrieves the WebSocket token using `get_web_socket_token`.
 33            - Attempts to open a WebSocket connection using the retrieved token's URI and access token.
 34            - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
 35        """
 36        try:
 37            web_socket_token = self.get_web_socket_token()
 38            open_connection_response = await self.open_connection(
 39                web_socket_token["uri"], web_socket_token["ws_access_token"]
 40            )
 41            return open_connection_response
 42        except Exception as e:
 43            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
 44            raise
 46    def get_web_socket_token(self):
 47        """
 48            Retrieves a WebSocket token.
 50            Returns:
 51                dict: WebSocket token containing URI and access token.
 53            Raises:
 54                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 56            Note:
 57                - Sends a POST request to the '/restapi/oauth/wstoken' endpoint to obtain the WebSocket token.
 58                - Returns the WebSocket token as a dictionary containing the URI and access token.
 59                - Triggers the getTokenError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
 60        """
 61        try:
 62            response = self._platform.post("/restapi/oauth/wstoken", body={})
 63            return response.json_dict()
 64        except Exception as e:
 65            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.getTokenError, e)
 66            raise
 68    async def open_connection(self, ws_uri, ws_access_token):
 69        """
 70            Opens a WebSocket connection.
 72            Args:
 73                ws_uri (str): The WebSocket URI.
 74                ws_access_token (str): The access token for WebSocket authentication.
 76            Raises:
 77                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 79            Note:
 80                - Attempts to establish a WebSocket connection to the provided URI with the given access token.
 81                - Upon successful connection, sets up a heartbeat mechanism to maintain the connection.
 82                - Triggers the connectionCreated event upon successful connection establishment.
 83                - Listens for incoming messages and triggers the receiveMessage event for each received message.
 84                - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs during the connection process and raises the exception.
 85        """
 86        try:
 87            websocket = await websockets.connect(
 88                f"{ws_uri}?access_token={ws_access_token}"
 89            )
 90            connectionMessage = await websocket.recv()
 91            connection_info = {}
 92            connection_info["connection"] = websocket
 93            connection_info["connection_details"] = connectionMessage
 94            self._web_socket = connection_info
 95            self._is_ready = True
 96            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionCreated, self)
 98            # heartbeat every 10 minutes
 99            async def timer_function():
100                while True:
101                    if self._done:
102                        timer.cancel()
103                        break
104                    await asyncio.sleep(600)
105                    await self.send_message([{"type": "Heartbeat", "messageId": str(uuid.uuid4())}])
106            timer = asyncio.create_task(timer_function())
108            await asyncio.sleep(0)
109            while True:
110                message = await websocket.recv()
111                self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.receiveMessage, message)
112                await asyncio.sleep(0)
113        except Exception as e:
114            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
115            raise
117    def get_connection_info(self):
118        return self._web_socket
120    def get_connection(self):
121        return self._web_socket["connection"]
123    async def close_connection(self):
124        """
125            Closes the WebSocket connection.
127            Raises:
128                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
130            Note:
131                - Sets the `_done` flag to True to signal the termination of the heartbeat mechanism.
132                - Sets the `_is_ready` flag to False to indicate that the connection is no longer ready.
133                - Retrieves the WebSocket connection using `get_connection`.
134                - Closes the WebSocket connection.
135                - Triggers the closeConnectionError event if an error occurs during the closing process and raises the exception.
136        """
137        try:
138            self._done = True
139            self._is_ready = False
140            ws_connection = self.get_connection()
141            await ws_connection.close()
142        except Exception as e:
143            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.closeConnectionError, e)
144            raise
146    async def recover_connection(self):
147        try:
148            ws_connection_info = self.get_web_socket_token()
149            recovered_connection_info = await self.open_connection(
150                ws_connection_info["uri"], ws_connection_info["ws_access_token"]
151            )
152            # if recovered_connection_info['recoveryState'] === "Successful", then subscription is restored
153            # otherwise, need to create a new subscription
154            # IMPORTANT: WebSocket creation is successful if it doesn't raise any exception
155            return recovered_connection_info
156        except Exception as e:
157            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.recoverConnectionError, e)
158            raise
160    async def send_message(self, message):
161        """
162            Sends a message over the WebSocket connection.
164            Args:
165                message (Any): The message to be sent.
167            Raises:
168                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
170            Note:
171                - Checks if the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag).
172                - If the connection is ready, resets the send attempt counter and sends the message.
173                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
174                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
175        """
176        try:
177            if self._is_ready:
178                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
179                requestBodyJson = json.dumps(message)
180                await self.get_connection().send(requestBodyJson)
181            else:
182                await asyncio.sleep(1)
183                await self.send_message(message)
184                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
185                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
186                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
187                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
188                    raise
189        except Exception as e:
190            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.sendMessageError, e)
191            raise
193    async def create_subscription(self, events=None):
194        """
195            Creates a subscription to WebSocket events.
197            Args:
198                events (list, optional): A list of events to subscribe to. Default is None.
200            Raises:
201                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
203            Note:
204                - If the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag), resets the send attempt counter and creates a WebSocketSubscription instance.
205                - Registers the subscription with the specified events.
206                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
207                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
208        """
209        try:
210            if self._is_ready:
211                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
212                subscription = WebSocketSubscription(self)
213                await subscription.register(events)
214            else:
215                await asyncio.sleep(1)
216                await self.create_subscription(events)
217                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
218                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
219                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
220                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
221                    raise
223        except Exception as e:
224            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createSubscriptionError, e)
225            raise
227    async def update_subscription(self, subscription, events=None):
228        """
229            Updates an existing WebSocket subscription with new events.
231            Args:
232                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to update.
233                events (list, optional): A list of events to update the subscription with. Default is None.
235            Returns:
236                WebSocketSubscription: The updated WebSocket subscription.
238            Raises:
239                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
241            Note:
242                - Updates the specified WebSocket subscription with the new events provided.
243                - If the update is successful, returns the updated WebSocket subscription.
244                - If an error occurs during the update process, triggers the updateSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
245        """
246        try:
247            await subscription.update(events)
248            return subscription
249        except Exception as e:
250            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.updateSubscriptionError, e)
251            raise
253    async def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
254        """
255            Removes an existing WebSocket subscription.
257            Args:
258                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to remove.
260            Raises:
261                Exception: If any error occurs during the removal process.
263            Note:
264                - Removes the specified WebSocket subscription.
265                - If the removal is successful, the subscription is effectively unsubscribed from the events it was subscribed to.
266                - If an error occurs during the removal process, triggers the removeSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
267        """
268        try:
269            await subscription.remove()
270        except Exception as e:
271            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.removeSubscriptionError, e)
272            raise

Event system for python

13    def __init__(self, platform):
14        Observable.__init__(self)
15        self._platform = platform
16        self._web_socket = None
17        self._done = False
18        self._is_ready = False
19        self._send_attempt_counter = 0
async def create_new_connection(self):
21    async def create_new_connection(self):
22        """
23        Creates a new WebSocket connection.
25        Returns:
26            Any: Response object containing the result of the connection creation.
28        Raises:
29            Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
31        Note:
32            - Retrieves the WebSocket token using `get_web_socket_token`.
33            - Attempts to open a WebSocket connection using the retrieved token's URI and access token.
34            - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
35        """
36        try:
37            web_socket_token = self.get_web_socket_token()
38            open_connection_response = await self.open_connection(
39                web_socket_token["uri"], web_socket_token["ws_access_token"]
40            )
41            return open_connection_response
42        except Exception as e:
43            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
44            raise

Creates a new WebSocket connection.

Returns: Any: Response object containing the result of the connection creation.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process.

Note: - Retrieves the WebSocket token using get_web_socket_token. - Attempts to open a WebSocket connection using the retrieved token's URI and access token. - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.

def get_web_socket_token(self):
46    def get_web_socket_token(self):
47        """
48            Retrieves a WebSocket token.
50            Returns:
51                dict: WebSocket token containing URI and access token.
53            Raises:
54                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
56            Note:
57                - Sends a POST request to the '/restapi/oauth/wstoken' endpoint to obtain the WebSocket token.
58                - Returns the WebSocket token as a dictionary containing the URI and access token.
59                - Triggers the getTokenError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.
60        """
61        try:
62            response = self._platform.post("/restapi/oauth/wstoken", body={})
63            return response.json_dict()
64        except Exception as e:
65            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.getTokenError, e)
66            raise

Retrieves a WebSocket token.

Returns: dict: WebSocket token containing URI and access token.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process.

Note: - Sends a POST request to the '/restapi/oauth/wstoken' endpoint to obtain the WebSocket token. - Returns the WebSocket token as a dictionary containing the URI and access token. - Triggers the getTokenError event if an error occurs and raises the exception.

async def open_connection(self, ws_uri, ws_access_token):
 68    async def open_connection(self, ws_uri, ws_access_token):
 69        """
 70            Opens a WebSocket connection.
 72            Args:
 73                ws_uri (str): The WebSocket URI.
 74                ws_access_token (str): The access token for WebSocket authentication.
 76            Raises:
 77                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
 79            Note:
 80                - Attempts to establish a WebSocket connection to the provided URI with the given access token.
 81                - Upon successful connection, sets up a heartbeat mechanism to maintain the connection.
 82                - Triggers the connectionCreated event upon successful connection establishment.
 83                - Listens for incoming messages and triggers the receiveMessage event for each received message.
 84                - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs during the connection process and raises the exception.
 85        """
 86        try:
 87            websocket = await websockets.connect(
 88                f"{ws_uri}?access_token={ws_access_token}"
 89            )
 90            connectionMessage = await websocket.recv()
 91            connection_info = {}
 92            connection_info["connection"] = websocket
 93            connection_info["connection_details"] = connectionMessage
 94            self._web_socket = connection_info
 95            self._is_ready = True
 96            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionCreated, self)
 98            # heartbeat every 10 minutes
 99            async def timer_function():
100                while True:
101                    if self._done:
102                        timer.cancel()
103                        break
104                    await asyncio.sleep(600)
105                    await self.send_message([{"type": "Heartbeat", "messageId": str(uuid.uuid4())}])
106            timer = asyncio.create_task(timer_function())
108            await asyncio.sleep(0)
109            while True:
110                message = await websocket.recv()
111                self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.receiveMessage, message)
112                await asyncio.sleep(0)
113        except Exception as e:
114            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createConnectionError, e)
115            raise

Opens a WebSocket connection.

Args: ws_uri (str): The WebSocket URI. ws_access_token (str): The access token for WebSocket authentication.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process.

Note: - Attempts to establish a WebSocket connection to the provided URI with the given access token. - Upon successful connection, sets up a heartbeat mechanism to maintain the connection. - Triggers the connectionCreated event upon successful connection establishment. - Listens for incoming messages and triggers the receiveMessage event for each received message. - Triggers the createConnectionError event if an error occurs during the connection process and raises the exception.

def get_connection_info(self):
117    def get_connection_info(self):
118        return self._web_socket
def get_connection(self):
120    def get_connection(self):
121        return self._web_socket["connection"]
async def close_connection(self):
123    async def close_connection(self):
124        """
125            Closes the WebSocket connection.
127            Raises:
128                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
130            Note:
131                - Sets the `_done` flag to True to signal the termination of the heartbeat mechanism.
132                - Sets the `_is_ready` flag to False to indicate that the connection is no longer ready.
133                - Retrieves the WebSocket connection using `get_connection`.
134                - Closes the WebSocket connection.
135                - Triggers the closeConnectionError event if an error occurs during the closing process and raises the exception.
136        """
137        try:
138            self._done = True
139            self._is_ready = False
140            ws_connection = self.get_connection()
141            await ws_connection.close()
142        except Exception as e:
143            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.closeConnectionError, e)
144            raise

Closes the WebSocket connection.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process.

Note: - Sets the _done flag to True to signal the termination of the heartbeat mechanism. - Sets the _is_ready flag to False to indicate that the connection is no longer ready. - Retrieves the WebSocket connection using get_connection. - Closes the WebSocket connection. - Triggers the closeConnectionError event if an error occurs during the closing process and raises the exception.

async def recover_connection(self):
146    async def recover_connection(self):
147        try:
148            ws_connection_info = self.get_web_socket_token()
149            recovered_connection_info = await self.open_connection(
150                ws_connection_info["uri"], ws_connection_info["ws_access_token"]
151            )
152            # if recovered_connection_info['recoveryState'] === "Successful", then subscription is restored
153            # otherwise, need to create a new subscription
154            # IMPORTANT: WebSocket creation is successful if it doesn't raise any exception
155            return recovered_connection_info
156        except Exception as e:
157            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.recoverConnectionError, e)
158            raise
async def send_message(self, message):
160    async def send_message(self, message):
161        """
162            Sends a message over the WebSocket connection.
164            Args:
165                message (Any): The message to be sent.
167            Raises:
168                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
170            Note:
171                - Checks if the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag).
172                - If the connection is ready, resets the send attempt counter and sends the message.
173                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
174                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
175        """
176        try:
177            if self._is_ready:
178                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
179                requestBodyJson = json.dumps(message)
180                await self.get_connection().send(requestBodyJson)
181            else:
182                await asyncio.sleep(1)
183                await self.send_message(message)
184                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
185                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
186                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
187                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
188                    raise
189        except Exception as e:
190            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.sendMessageError, e)
191            raise

Sends a message over the WebSocket connection.

Args: message (Any): The message to be sent.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.

Note: - Checks if the WebSocket connection is ready (_is_ready flag). - If the connection is ready, resets the send attempt counter and sends the message. - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter. - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.

async def create_subscription(self, events=None):
193    async def create_subscription(self, events=None):
194        """
195            Creates a subscription to WebSocket events.
197            Args:
198                events (list, optional): A list of events to subscribe to. Default is None.
200            Raises:
201                Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.
203            Note:
204                - If the WebSocket connection is ready (`_is_ready` flag), resets the send attempt counter and creates a WebSocketSubscription instance.
205                - Registers the subscription with the specified events.
206                - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter.
207                - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.
208        """
209        try:
210            if self._is_ready:
211                self._send_attempt_counter = 0
212                subscription = WebSocketSubscription(self)
213                await subscription.register(events)
214            else:
215                await asyncio.sleep(1)
216                await self.create_subscription(events)
217                self._send_attempt_counter += 1
218                if(self._send_attempt_counter > 10):
219                    self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.connectionNotReady)
220                    self._send_attempt_counter = 0
221                    raise
223        except Exception as e:
224            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.createSubscriptionError, e)
225            raise

Creates a subscription to WebSocket events.

Args: events (list, optional): A list of events to subscribe to. Default is None.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process or if the connection is not ready after multiple attempts.

Note: - If the WebSocket connection is ready (_is_ready flag), resets the send attempt counter and creates a WebSocketSubscription instance. - Registers the subscription with the specified events. - If the connection is not ready, retries after a delay and increments the send attempt counter. - If the send attempt counter exceeds a threshold, triggers the connectionNotReady event and raises an exception.

async def update_subscription(self, subscription, events=None):
227    async def update_subscription(self, subscription, events=None):
228        """
229            Updates an existing WebSocket subscription with new events.
231            Args:
232                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to update.
233                events (list, optional): A list of events to update the subscription with. Default is None.
235            Returns:
236                WebSocketSubscription: The updated WebSocket subscription.
238            Raises:
239                Exception: If any error occurs during the process.
241            Note:
242                - Updates the specified WebSocket subscription with the new events provided.
243                - If the update is successful, returns the updated WebSocket subscription.
244                - If an error occurs during the update process, triggers the updateSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
245        """
246        try:
247            await subscription.update(events)
248            return subscription
249        except Exception as e:
250            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.updateSubscriptionError, e)
251            raise

Updates an existing WebSocket subscription with new events.

Args: subscription : The WebSocket subscription to update. events (list, optional): A list of events to update the subscription with. Default is None.

Returns: WebSocketSubscription: The updated WebSocket subscription.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the process.

Note: - Updates the specified WebSocket subscription with the new events provided. - If the update is successful, returns the updated WebSocket subscription. - If an error occurs during the update process, triggers the updateSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.

async def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
253    async def remove_subscription(self, subscription):
254        """
255            Removes an existing WebSocket subscription.
257            Args:
258                subscription : The WebSocket subscription to remove.
260            Raises:
261                Exception: If any error occurs during the removal process.
263            Note:
264                - Removes the specified WebSocket subscription.
265                - If the removal is successful, the subscription is effectively unsubscribed from the events it was subscribed to.
266                - If an error occurs during the removal process, triggers the removeSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.
267        """
268        try:
269            await subscription.remove()
270        except Exception as e:
271            self.trigger(WebSocketEvents.removeSubscriptionError, e)
272            raise

Removes an existing WebSocket subscription.

Args: subscription : The WebSocket subscription to remove.

Raises: Exception: If any error occurs during the removal process.

Note: - Removes the specified WebSocket subscription. - If the removal is successful, the subscription is effectively unsubscribed from the events it was subscribed to. - If an error occurs during the removal process, triggers the removeSubscriptionError event and raises an exception.

Inherited Members