
This demo app is design to provide a basic working implementation of major CTI use cases with the RingCentral Connect Platform. Use cases include the following:

  1. Authorization
  2. Making calls (Click-to-Dial)
  3. Inbound Screen Pop
  4. SMS
  5. Call Log Retreival
  6. Call Recording Download
  7. Call Recording Streaming Playback


This demo is designed to run as a set of static HTML pages.

The requirements are as follows:

  1. Application with active sandbox key and secret
  2. Sandbox account with active phone numbers
  3. RingCentral for Desktop softphone (optional)
  4. Local server instance (optional)

The RingCentral application and sandbox account information can be found in your RingCentral Developer account at the RingCentral Developer Portal:

  1. A RingCentral app with active sandbox environment keys
  2. A RingCentral sandbox account with active users and phone numbers

For the Click-to-Dial integrations to make calls, you will also need a phone. An easy phone to use is the RingCentral for Desktop softphone which is available for MacOS and Windows.

If you wish to run your own copy, an easy way to run this demo is to clone the GitHub repo and run the source on Node.js and NPM's http-server as documented on the GitHub repo: http://github.com/grokify/ringcentral-cti-demo-js/.

An online demo on GitHub pages is also available at http://grokify.github.io/cti-demo/.


Softphone Configuration

To configure the softphone to use the RingCentral sandbox environment, please following th instructions in the How-To: Use Test Accounts in the RingCentral Sandbox quickstart tutorial.

Demo Configuration

To set up this demo, click the button in the upper right order of any page and add your app's key, secret, and OAuth redirect URL. These need to match the settings in your the RingCentral Developer Portal app page.


Now you are ready to behave as an end-user. The end-user will first need to authorize the demo app to access their account via 3-legged OAuth. To do this navigate to the Linked Accounts page and then click the button to perform a 3-legged OAuth authorization.

Use Cases

After authorization, use the Contacts and Call Log pages to make calls, send SMS, view call logs, and listen to recordings.


RingCentral Developers provides the following:

  1. Developer Portal
  2. API Docs
  3. API Explorer
  4. SDKs
  5. CTI Tutorial

All of these are available on our Developer Quick Reference at http://RingCentral.GitHub.IO


The following resources are made available for assistance on the RingCentral API and SDKs:

  1. RingCentral Developer Community
  2. Stack Overflow

You can also log issues against the individual GitHub projects, including this demo and the JavaScript SDK .

Log into your Developer Portal account for additional support.