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This interface is responsible for creating a new messaging log record in the associated CRM. The message or messages must be associated with the contact passed in as a request parameter. Other associations may be made depending upon the CRM and the adapter. This interface is always invoked for a single SMS message.

Creating daily digests of an SMS conversation

To prevent SMS conversations with a customer from overwhelming the CRM with a multitude of log entries for each SMS message, App Connect creates a daily digest for each SMS conversation with a customer into which all SMS messages for a 24 hour period are aggregated.

Therefore, this interface is only invoked when the daily digest is created. The updateMessageLog interface is invoked for all subsequent SMS messages in that 24 hour period.

Input parameters

Parameter Description
user An object describing the Chrome extension user associated with the action that triggered this interface.
contactInfo An associative array describing the contact a call is associated with.
authHeader The HTTP Authorization header to be transmitted with the API request to the target CRM.
message All the metadata associated with the message to be logged. SMS message schema is described in our API Reference.
additionalSubmission All of the additional custom fields defined in the manifest and submitted by the user.
recordingLink If the call was a voicemail, then this field will contain a link to the voicemail.
timezoneOffset The timezone offset of the current user in the event you need to use UTC when calling the CRM's API.


  "uri" : "",
  "id" : 60279564004,
  "to" : [ {
    "phoneNumber" : "+16505553204",
    "location" : "San Mateo, CA"
  } ],
  "from" : {
    "phoneNumber" : "+18885550052"
  "type" : "SMS",
  "creationTime" : "2015-02-18T13:24:50.000Z",
  "readStatus" : "Read",
  "priority" : "Normal",
  "attachments" : [ {
    "id" : 60279564004,
    "uri" : "",
    "type" : "Text",
    "contentType" : "text/plain"
  } ],
  "direction" : "Outbound",
  "availability" : "Alive",
  "subject" : "Flight information",
  "messageStatus" : "Sent",
  "smsSendingAttemptsCount" : 1,
  "conversationId" : 5578984350117917661,
  "lastModifiedTime" : "2015-02-18T13:24:50.300Z"

Return value(s)

An object with following properties:

Parameter Description
logId ID of the log entry created within the CRM
returnMessage message, messageType and ttl


  return {
    logId: "xxxx-xxx", // ID of log entity on CRM platform
      message: 'Logged',
      messageType: 'success', // 'success', 'warning' or 'danger'
      ttl: 30000 // in miliseconds


        body += `- Call recording link: ${recordingLink}\n`;
    return body;
function upsertAiNote({ body, aiNote }) {
    const aiNoteRegex = RegExp('- AI Note:([\\s\\S]*?)--- END');
    const clearedAiNote = aiNote.replace(/\n+$/, '');
    if (aiNoteRegex.test(body)) {
        body = body.replace(aiNoteRegex, `- AI Note:\n${clearedAiNote}\n--- END`);
    } else {
        body += `- AI Note:\n${clearedAiNote}\n--- END\n`;
    return body;
function upsertTranscript({ body, transcript }) {
    const transcriptRegex = RegExp('- Transcript:([\\s\\S]*?)--- END');
    if (transcriptRegex.test(body)) {
        body = body.replace(transcriptRegex, `- Transcript:\n${transcript}\n--- END`);
    } else {
        body += `- Transcript:\n${transcript}\n--- END\n`;
    return body;

async function getCallLog({ user, callLogId, authHeader }) {
    // -----------------------------------------
    // ---TODO.5: Implement call log fetching---
    // -----------------------------------------

    // const getLogRes = await axios.get(
    //     `${callLogId}`,
    //     {
    //         headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }
    //     });

    const getLogRes = {
        subject: mockCallLog.subject,
        note: mockCallLog.note
    if (!!aiNote && (user.userSettings?.addCallLogAiNote?.value ?? true)) { logBody = upsertAiNote({ body: logBody, aiNote }); }
    if (!!transcript && (user.userSettings?.addCallLogTranscript?.value ?? true)) { logBody = upsertTranscript({ body: logBody, transcript }); }
    putBody.note = logBody;

    if (!!subject) {
        putBody.subject = subject;

    const putLogRes = await axios.put(
            headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }
    return {
        updatedNote: putBody.note,
        returnMessage: {
            message: 'Call log updated.',
            messageType: 'success',
            ttl: 2000

async function createMessageLog({ user, contactInfo, authHeader, message, additionalSubmission, recordingLink, faxDocLink }) {
    const userInfoResponse = await axios.get(`https://${user.hostname}/v1/users/me`, {
        headers: {
            'Authorization': authHeader
    const userName =;
    const dealId = additionalSubmission ? : '';
    const orgId = contactInfo.organization ? : '';
    const timeUtc = moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(0).format('HH:mm')
    const dateUtc = moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(0).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
    const activityTypesResponse = await axios.get(`https://${user.hostname}/v1/activityTypes`, { headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader } });
    const hasSMSType = => === 'SMS' && t.active_flag);

    const messageType = !!recordingLink ? 'Voicemail' : (!!faxDocLink ? 'Fax' : 'SMS');
    let subject = '';
    let note = '';
    switch (messageType) {
        case 'SMS':
            subject = `SMS conversation with ${} - ${moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(user.timezoneOffset).format('YY/MM/DD')}`;
            note =
                `<br><b>${subject}</b><br>` +
                '<b>Conversation summary</b><br>' +
                `${moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(user.timezoneOffset).format('dddd, MMMM DD, YYYY')}<br>` +
                'Participants<br>' +
                `<ul><li><b>${userName}</b><br></li>` +
                `<li><b>${}</b></li></ul><br>` +
                'Conversation(1 messages)<br>' +
                'BEGIN<br>' +
                '------------<br>' +
                '<ul>' +
                `<li>${message.direction === 'Inbound' ? `${} (${contactInfo.phoneNumber})` : userName} ${moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(user.timezoneOffset).format('hh:mm A')}<br>` +
                `<b>${message.subject}</b></li>` +
                '</ul>' +
                '------------<br>' +
                'END<br><br>' +
                '--- Created via RingCentral App Connect';
        case 'Voicemail':
            subject = `Voicemail left by ${} - ${moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(user.timezoneOffset).format('YY/MM/DD')}`;
            note = `<br><b>${subject}</b><br>Voicemail recording link: ${recordingLink} <br><br>--- Created via RingCentral App Connect`;
        case 'Fax':
            subject = `Fax document sent from ${} - ${moment(message.creationTime).utcOffset(user.timezoneOffset).format('YY/MM/DD')}`;
            note = `<br><b>${subject}</b><br>Fax document link: ${faxDocLink} <br><br>--- Created via RingCentral App Connect`;
    const postBody = {