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Customizing pages

Customizing the welcome message

When a user installs App Connect for the first time and accesses it from their CRM, a welcome page or splash screen appears to the user. This screen can be very effective in educating the end user about how to setup and connect to the associated CRM.

Currently welcome pages are relatively simple, providing developers with the ability to direct users to two key resources under embeddedOnCrmPage.welcomePage:

  • docLink: A URL to read documentation
  • videoLink: A URL to watch a video

Customizing pages within the client application

There are a number of pages within the App Connect client application that often need to be customized in some way for the corresponding CRM. Those pages are:

  • CRM authentication page (ONLY for apiKey auth)
  • Call logging form
  • Message logging form

Adding custom fields to logging forms

CRMs almost always have a set of fields associated with logging an activity that are relatively unique. Consider for example Clio, a CRM used by legal professionals, in which users link calls to "matters" (e.g. a "legal matter"). Where CRMs like Insightly link calls to opportunities. To account for this, the framework makes it easy to add new custom form fields to two key forms users interact with frequently:

  • Call logging page
  • Create contact page

For each page, you will define an array of additionalFields. Each additional field element consists of the properties below.

Name Type Description
const string A unique key identifying the field.
title string The display name of the field.
type string The data type associated with the field.
contactDependent boolean Set to true if this field would change when the selected contact is changed, or false if the value is static.

Custom call log fields

In the following example, a "Deals" pull-down menu with three options, and an "Address" text input is added to the call log form.

                    "id": "testCallLogDetails",
                    "type": "section",
                    "name": "Call log details",
                    "items": [
                            "id": "addCallLogNote",
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "name": "Add note to call log",
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "id": "addCallLogSubject",
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "name": "Add subject to call log",
                            "defaultValue": true

Custom SMS log fields

Setup the same fields as above, but associated with the SMS logging page.

                            "id": "addCallLogContactNumber",
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "name": "Add contact phone number to call log",
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "id": "addCallLogDateTime",
                            "type": "boolean",
                            "name": "Add date and time to call log",
                            "defaultValue": true
                            "id": "addCallLogDuration",
                            "type": "boolean",

Feedback page

A feedback page allows you to facilitate the collection of feedback from users. When defined a feedback link will appear in App Connect for users to click. When clicked, a form will be displayed to the user prompting them for feedback. The structure and input elements of the form are configurable.

To use feedback page, please create feedback object under page. The feedback object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
url string A URL that the feedback form will post data to. Query parameters can be setup. Please refer to below
elements array Page and input elements that will comprise the feedback form. Please refer to below

Page elements and query parameters

Page elements are defined as similar to log page fields above:

Name Type Description
const string A unique key identifying the field.
title string The display name of the field.
type string The input type associated with the field. string, inputField and selection
bold boolean (Only applicable for string)
selections array Each element has only const and title
required boolean If true, the form cannot be submitted until a value has been entered.
placeholder string A placeholder value to be replaced by the user. Only applicable for inputField.

Submitting feedback forms

When a user submits the feedback form, the feedback will be submitted to the designated url. The URL supports a number of tokens so that you can encode user submitted form data into the URL being posted to. These tokens are as follows:

Name Is native Description
crmName true Your crm platform name
userName true RingCentral user name
userEmail true RingCentral user email
Element const value false Any custom field that you define in your feedback page

Posting to a Google Form

Posting feedback to a Google Form such that the user's input is pre-filled on the resulting Google Form page requires you to encode the Google Form URL with custom values. This is achieved through the use of tokens. For example, consider the need to construct the following URL:

Prior to the form being posted to the URL, the {score} and {crmName} tokens will be replaced with their corresponding values, using user-provided data when present.