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Installing Embeddable on a web page

RingCentral Embeddable supports two ways for integrating itself onto a webpage. They include:

  • via Javascript
  • via an iframe

Embedding via Javascript

Add following the following code to the <head> section of a website. This method is recommended for most applications as it optimised page load performance.

  (function() {
    var rcs = document.createElement("script");
    rcs.src = "";
    var rcs0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    rcs0.parentNode.insertBefore(rcs, rcs0);

You may also load RingCentral Embeddable directly as follows:

<script src="">

Learn more about the defer and async attributes when loading scripts directly

Initializing Embeddable manually

Starting in v1.8.5, one can initialize Embeddable manually using the code below. This is beneficial if your application needs to load a lot of Javascript and you need to optimize page load and rendering speeds. Note: this is only available when initializing via Javacript.

  window.RC_EMBEDDABLE_ADAPTER_MANUAL_INIT = true; // enable manual init
  (function() {
    var rcs = document.createElement("script");
    rcs.src = "";
    var rcs0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    rcs0.parentNode.insertBefore(rcs, rcs0);

Once the script has been loaded, you can trigger the initialization process as follows:


And you can dispose of Embeddable as well:


Embedding via an iframe

Some developers may prefer to load Embeddable directly via an iframe for security or performance reasons. To load Embeddable via an iframe, use the following code.

<iframe width="300" height="500" id="rc-widget" allow="autoplay; microphone" 