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Integration contacts in your system into Embeddable

This feature requires you to register your app as a service first.

Show contacts on Embeddable's contacts tab

First you need to pass contactsPath when you register service:

  type: 'rc-adapter-register-third-party-service',
  service: {
    name: 'TestService',
    contactsPath: '/contacts',
    contactIcon: '', // optional, show brand icon in the top right of contact avatar 
}, '*');

Add a message event to respond to a contacts list event:

window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  var data =;
  if (data && data.type === 'rc-post-message-request') {
    if (data.path === '/contacts') {
      // you can get page and syncTimestamp params from data.body
      // query contacts data from third party service with page and syncTimestamp
      // if syncTimestamp existed, please only return updated contacts after syncTimestamp
      // response to widget:
      const contacts = [{
        id: '123456', // id to identify third party contact, need to be string
        name: 'TestService Name', // contact name
        type: 'TestService', // need to same as service name
        phoneNumbers: [{
          phoneNumber: '+1234567890',
          phoneType: 'direct', // support: business, extension, home, mobile, phone, unknown, company, direct, fax, other
        company: 'CompanyName',
        jobTitle: 'Engineer',
        emails: [''],
        profileImageUrl: 'https://avatar_uri', // optional, show avatar in Contacts page
        deleted: false, // set deleted to true if you need to delete it in updated contacts
      // pass nextPage number when there are more than one page data, widget will repeat same request with nextPage increased
        type: 'rc-post-message-response',
        responseId: data.requestId,
        response: {
          data: contacts,
          nextPage: null,
      }, '*');

Data from contactsPath will be displayed in the contacts tab inside Embeddable.

Embeddable will request contacts data when widget is loaded and when user visit contacts page. In first request syncTimestamp is blank, so you need to provide full contacts data to widget. Please provide syncTimestamp when reponse to widget. In next contacts request widget will send you syncTimestamp, so you just need to provide updated contact since syncTimestamp.

If you provide nextPage for contactsPath response, widget will repeat request with page="${nextPage}" to get next page contacts data.

contacts image

To trigger contact sync request in widget using the API:

  type: 'rc-adapter-sync-third-party-contacts',
}, '*');

Show contacts search result in the dialer's receiver input

You must want to show related contacts result when user typing in callee input area. First you need to pass contactSearchPath when you register service:

  type: 'rc-adapter-register-third-party-service',
  service: {
    name: 'TestService',
    contactSearchPath: '/contacts/search'
}, '*');

Add a message event to response contacts search event:

window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  var data =;
  if (data && data.type === 'rc-post-message-request') {
    if (data.path === '/contacts/search') {
      const searchedContacts = [{
        id: '123456', // id to identify third party contact
        name: 'TestService Name',
        type: 'TestService', // need to same as service name
        phoneNumbers: [{
          phoneNumber: '+1234567890',
          phoneType: 'direct', // support: business, extension, home, mobile, phone, unknown, company, direct, fax, other
        type: 'rc-post-message-response',
        responseId: data.requestId,
        response: {
          data: searchedContacts
      }, '*');


Show matched contact in the call history or incoming call page

In widget, we use contact matcher to match phone number to contact in calls page or incoming page. First you need to pass contactMatchPath when you register service:

  type: 'rc-adapter-register-third-party-service',
  service: {
    name: 'TestService',
    contactMatchPath: '/contacts/match',
    contactMatchTtl: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // optional, contact match data cache deleted time in seconds, default is 2 hours, supported from v1.10.2
    contactNoMatchTtl: 5 * 60 * 1000, // optional, contact match data expired in seconds, will re-match at next match trigger, default is 5 minutes, from v1.10.2
}, '*');

Add a message event to response contacts matcher event:

window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  var data =;
  if (data && data.type === 'rc-post-message-request') {
    if (data.path === '/contacts/match') {
      console.log(data); // include phone number array that need to match
      const matchedContacts = {
        '+12165325078': [
            id: '123456', // id to identify third party contact
            type: 'TestService', // need to same as service name
            name: 'TestService 1',
            phoneNumbers: [{
              phoneNumber: '+12165325078',
              phoneType: 'direct', // support: business, extension, home, mobile, phone, unknown, company, direct, fax, other
      // return matched contact object with phone number as key
        type: 'rc-post-message-response',
        responseId: data.requestId,
        response: {
          data: matchedContacts
      }, '*');


Trigger contact match manually


If there are new contacts in your system, you can trigger contact match manually:

  type: 'rc-adapter-trigger-contact-match',
  phoneNumbers: [`phoneNumberInE164Format`],
}, '*');

View matched contact externally


You can also view matched contact in your system by clicking "View contact details" in the call history or inbox page. You need to pass viewMatchedContactPath when you register service:

  type: 'rc-adapter-register-third-party-service',
  service: {
    name: 'TestService',
    // ...
    contactMatchPath: '/contacts/match',
    viewMatchedContactPath: '/contacts/view',
}, '*');

Add a message event to response view matched contact event:

window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  var data =;
  if (data && data.type === 'rc-post-message-request') {
    // ... match contact event
    // ...
    if (data.path === '/contacts/view') {
      console.log(data.body); // contact info to view
      // open contact detail page in your system
        type: 'rc-post-message-response',
        responseId: data.requestId,
        response: 'ok',
      }, '*');