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Loading a specific version of RingCentral Embeddable

Using the latest build

We prefer developers to load the latest version of RingCentral Embeddable. This is the default behavior when you load Embeddable via a CDN and do not reference a specific version number, or if you use the RingCentral Embeddable embed tool to generate your embed code. Using the latest build ensures that your application will automatically receive updates along with any new bug fixes.

Loading older versions

Developers wishing to load a specific and fixed version of RingCentral Embeddable can do so by plugging their desired version into the following URL format:<version number>

For example:


Loading a specific version may be considered more stable by some developers as their application will be insulated from new features, or unintended changes that may not be backwards-compatible.

Update your Redirect URI to match

Starting with version 1.2.0, please note that the redirect uri of Embeddable must be changed to match the version you are loading. For example:

Example: loading specific version via Javascript

  (function() {
    var rcs = document.createElement("script");
    rcs.src = "";
    var rcs0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    rcs0.parentNode.insertBefore(rcs, rcs0);