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Alternative authorization methods

This feature requires you to register your app as a service first.

RingCentral Embeddable supports the Authorization code with PKCE grant type to facilitate user's logging into RingCentral. This is the recommended authorization method for applications like those built on top of RingCentral Embeddable. Therefore, no changes are necessary to enable authorization and usage of RingCentral Embeddable. However, some developers in specific and rare circumstances may wish to utilize a different method of authorization. This guide will instruct developers on how to do so.

Access tokens are stored in a browser's local storage

In the Authorization code with PKCE flow, a user's access token is managed safely and securely in the browser's local storage for that user. If a user is inactive for more than 7 days, then the user will be automatically logged out. Embeddable automatically refreshes access tokens when API requests are made to the RingCentral API, so as long as the user remains active, they will not be required to login again. Users that are inactive for longer than seven days, however, will be required to login to RingCentral again.

JWT flow

Developers can login to RingCentral Embeddable using the JWT auth flow if they so choose. However, doing so means that every user of RingCentral Embeddable will be logged in as the same user, which may undermine the value of RingCentral's audit trail and security practices. Please use at your own risk.

JWT auth flow in Embeddable is experimental

While the JWT auth flow itself is not experimental, its usage within the context of RingCentral Embeddable is. This is due to the fact that using JWT in this way is beyond the intended design of Embeddable, and could be problematic in some circumstances.

JWT also requires you to expose your client secret, which if exposed publicly could expose you to some security risks.

  (function() {
    var rcs = document.createElement("script");
    var clientId = "<YOUR CLIENT ID>";
    var clientSecret = "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>";
    var jwt = "<YOUR JWT TOKEN>";
    rcs.src = ""+
    var rcs0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    rcs0.parentNode.insertBefore(rcs, rcs0);
<iframe width="300" height="500" id="rc-widget" allow="microphone" 

Authorization code flow

Authorization code flow has been deprecated

RingCentral Embeddable utilizes the Authorization Code with PKCE grant flow by default since v1.4.0. Developers are required to upgrade.

If for debugging purposes you need to utilize this mode or authorization, developers can specify their app's client secret using the clientSecret URI parameter via a script tag's src attribute, or an iframe's href attribure.

Pass RingCentral authorization code and code verifier:

  (function() {
    var rcs = document.createElement("script");
    var clientId = "<YOUR CLIENT ID>";
    var clientSecret = "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>";
    var authCode = "<AUTH CODE>";
    var authCodeVerifier = "<AUTH CODE VERIFIER>";
    rcs.src = ""+
    var rcs0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    rcs0.parentNode.insertBefore(rcs, rcs0);
<iframe width="300" height="500" id="rc-widget" allow="microphone" src="">

PostMessage way

  type: 'rc-adapter-authorization-code',
  callbackUri: "http://localhost:8080/redirect.html?"+
}, '*');

authorizationCodeVerifier query parameter is only supported after v1.8.1

authorizationCodeVerifier is not required if you use the authorization URI generated from the login popup event.

For authorization code flow (without PKCE), clientId and clientSecret is required with authorizationCode. The app needs clientSecret to exchange token. The authorization code should be generated with same RingCentral app client id and secret.