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Get started building a custom CRM adapter

The developer framework is currently in BETA

This framework is in beta. Please submit a Github issue if you encounter any problems or have a question.

The Unified CRM integration framework help developers connect the embedded RingCentral client application that comes bundled with the Unified CRM extension to a variety of CRMs. Connectivity to each CRM is handled by an "adapter."

This quick start will guide you through the process of configuring and building an instance of the framework using the sample adapter that comes bundled in the framework. This sample adapter does not actually connect to a CRM, and without modification it basically does nothing. Instead, it serves as a template for the custom adapter you will eventually build.

Let's begin.

Register a RingCentral application

The first step is to login to the RingCentral Developer Console, and register an application. When you register an application, be sure to use the following settings:

  • Set the auth type to "Client-side web app"
  • Set the OAuth Redirect URI to
  • Set the application scopes to the following: Read Messages, Read Presence, Read Contacts, Read Call Log, Read Accounts, Call Control, VoIP Calling, WebSocket Subscriptions, Ring Out, SMS, Internal Messages, Webhook Subscription, Edit Messages, Edit Presence.

Upon registering your application, you will be provisioned a Client ID and Clien Secret. Navigate to the "Credentials" tab and copy these values to your clipboard. You will need them later.

Clone or fork the framework's repository

Let's begin by downloading the framework to your development machine.

git clone
cd rc-unified-crm-extension

Setup and start your server

Each adapter requires a server to be running. This server exposes a canonical API to the Unified CRM integration framework, and in a sense acts as a broker or proxy between the front-end client, and the CRM. Let's setup and start the sample server bundled with the framework.

Open up a console and within it, follow these instructions.

  1. Install the necessary prerequisites

    cd server
    npm i
  2. Start ngrok

    npm run ngrok

    Make note of your personalized ngrok URL.

  3. Edit your server's config file in the rc-unified-crm-extension/server directory

    cp .env.test .env

    Edit .env and set APP_SERVER equal to your personalized ngrok URL above.

  4. Start your server from the rc-unified-crm-extension/server directory

    npm run start

Build and install the client

Next, you need to build and package the Chrome extension that will provide the integrated phone and client application that end user will interface with.

  1. Install the necessary prerequisites

    cd client
    npm i
  2. Edit the client's config file in the rc-unified-crm-extension/client/src directory

    cp config-copy.json config.json

    Edit config.json and set the following values: * Set serverUrl to your personalized ngrok URL above. * Set clientId to the client of the RingCentral application you registered earlier.

  3. Build the Chrome extension from the rc-unified-crm-extension/client directory

    npm run build

    When you have completed the above, inside the rc-unified-crm-extension/client directory you will find a build/dist directory.

  4. Install the client

    • Open your Chrome web browser
    • From the "Window" menu, select "Extensions"
    • Click "Load unpacked"
    • Select the dist folder created in the previous step

Try it out

The sample CRM bundled with the framework is configured to only appear when you access the RingCentral Developer website.

  1. In Chrome, navigate to
  2. You will observe an orange "R" docked in the lower righthand corner of the RingCentral Developer website.
  3. Click the "R" and then login with your RingCentral account.
  4. Navigate to the "Settings" tab and click the "Connect" button next to "testCRM."
  5. Enter any string you would like into the "API key" field. Click Save.

Now that we are "connected" to the CRM, let's try out a few features.

  1. Navigate to the Phone tab and make a call
  2. Observe that the call you just made can be seen in the "Calls" tab
  3. Click + button next to the call that was just made. Since the contact is unrecognized, a form will appear prompting you create a new contact associated with this phone number. Fill in the form and click Save.
  4. Click Edit log and set the subject and notes you would like to record for this phone call.
  5. Make another phone call to the same number. You will notice that the call is automatically associated with the contact you previously created.
  6. When you are done, navigate back to the "Settings" tab, and click "Log out" next the "Test CRM."

And that's it. You have successfully built and deployed your own RingCentral/CRM integration. Now, let's learn how to customize your adapter to actually integrate with a CRM provider.