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Unauthorizing users

The developer framework is currently in BETA

This framework is in beta. Please submit a Github issue if you encounter any problems or have a question.

The framework will automatically present to a user the controls they need to connect or disconnect from a CRM. In the event that a user is logged in, a "Logout" button will be made available to them.

Logout button

When this logout button is clicked, the CRM extension will call the server to deauthorize the current user in the corresponding CRM. In so doing, the adapter should revoke the user's access token for the CRM, and ensure it is properly disposed of..


  • HTTP method: POST
  • HTTP endpoint: <server base URL>/unAuthorize

Request parameters

Parameter Description
jwtToken An encrypted string that includes the current user's ID and the associated CRM.

The server will need to decrypt the jwtToken received in the request using the APP_SERVER_SECRET_KEY configuration parameter. The decrypted string will have the following structure:

  'id': 'some_user_id',
  'platform': 'the_associated_crm'

The server then needs to lookup the User associated with the provided id in the server's database.

Finally, now that you have in your context the full user record, your adapter will need to make the necessary API calls to deauthorize the user's session with the associated CRM.

Sample code

async function unAuthorize({ user }) {
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------
    // ---TODO.2: Implement token revocation if CRM platform requires---
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------

    // const revokeUrl = '';
    // const revokeBody = {
    //     token: user.accessToken
    // }
    // const accessTokenRevokeRes = await
    //     revokeUrl,
    //     revokeBody,
    //     {
    //         headers: { 'Authorization': `Basic ${getBasicAuth({ apiKey: user.accessToken })}` }
    //     });
    await user.destroy();

    //---CHECK.2: Open db.sqlite to check if user info is removed---
async function unAuthorize({ user }) {
    const revokeUrl = '';
    const basicAuthHeader = Buffer.from(`${process.env.PIPEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID}:${process.env.PIPEDRIVE_CLIENT_SECRET}`).toString('base64');
    const refreshTokenParams = new url.URLSearchParams({
        token: user.refreshToken
    const refreshTokenRevokeRes = await
            headers: { 'Authorization': `Basic ${basicAuthHeader}` }
    const accessTokenParams = new url.URLSearchParams({
        token: user.accessToken
    const accessTokenRevokeRes = await
            headers: { 'Authorization': `Basic ${basicAuthHeader}` }
    await user.destroy();