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This interface is invoked whenever a new contact needs to be created in the target CRM. This happens when a user of the Unified CRM Chrome extension has elected to create a "placeholder contact."

This function is to create a placeholder contact, ONLY in the following case: * User adds a new call/message log against a number with no matched contact. In another words, create placeholder contact is tied to call/message logging action

Manifest elements

Every CRM can define a different set of contact types, or data elements that can be associated with an activity (call or SMS) log. Within the platforms.[crm name] section of your manifest, provide the list of contact types supported by the target CRM.

"contactTypes": [
    "display": "TestContactType",
    "value": "testContact"
    "display": "Contact",
    "value": "cta"

Request parameters

Parameter Description
user An object describing the Chrome extension user associated with the action that triggered this interface.
authHeader The HTTP Authorization header to be transmitted with the API request to the target CRM.
phoneNumber The phone number of the contact in E.164 format, e.g. +1231231234.
newContactName The name of the contact as entered by the user.
newContactType The contact type the user selected to indicate what kind of contact to create.

Return value(s)

This interface returns a single object. That object describes the contact that was created. It has following properties:

Parameter Description
contactInfo Contain id and name
returnMessage message, messageType and ttl


    id: "xxxx-xxxxx", // ID of the contact in the target 
    name: "John Doe" // Display name of the contact. This name will appear and be associated with all users with the same `phoneNumber`.
    message: 'Contact created',
    messageType: 'success', // 'success', 'warning' or 'danger'
    ttl: 30000 // in miliseconds


    //     });
    console.log(`update message log with... \n\n${JSON.stringify(message, null, 2)}`);

    //---CHECK.8: For multiple messages or additional message during the day, open db.sqlite and CRM website to check if message logs are saved ---

async function createContact({ user, authHeader, phoneNumber, newContactName, newContactType }) {
    // ----------------------------------------
    // ---TODO.9: Implement contact creation---
    // ----------------------------------------

    const postBody = {
        name: newContactName,
        type: newContactType,
        phone_numbers: [
                name: "Work",
                number: phoneNumber,
                default_number: true
    // const contactInfoRes = await
    //     ``,
    //     postBody,
    //     {
    //         headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }
    //     }
    // );
    mockContact = {
        id: 'testContactId',
        name: newContactName,
        type: newContactType,
        phone: phoneNumber,
        additionalInfo: {
            associatedDeal: [
                    const: 'csA351',
                    title: 'Christmas special A351'
                    const: 'eA22',
                    title: 'Easter A22'
                    const: 'aC92',
                    title: 'Anniversary C92'
            address: ''

    const contactInfoRes = {
        data: {

    //---CHECK.9: In extension, try create a new contact against an unknown number ---
    return {
        contactInfo: {
        phone: rawContactInfo.phones[0],
        organization: rawContactInfo.organization?.name ?? '',
        additionalInfo: relatedDeals ? { deals: relatedDeals } : null


async function createContact({ user, authHeader, phoneNumber, newContactName }) {
    const postBody = {
        name: newContactName,
        phone: phoneNumber
    const createContactRes = await
            headers: { 'Authorization': authHeader }
    return {
        contactInfo: {